
Nissen fundoplication in children with cerebral palsy: Influence on rate of gastric emptying and postprandial symptoms in relation to protein source in caloric liquid meals

Title: Nissen fundoplication in children with cerebral palsy: Influence on rate of gastric emptying and postprandial symptoms in relation to protein source in caloric liquid meals

Authors: Brun AC, Størdal K, Johannesdottir GB, Bentsen BS, Medhus AW
Published: 2017

Clinical Nutrition

This paper examines the effect of Nissen fundoplication on the speed of gastric emptying and postprandial symptoms, as these relate to the source of protein source in liquid meals in children with cerebral palsy. The paper concludes that children with cerebral palsy who do not have a Nissen fundoplication, have more frequent postprandial symptoms after receiving a rapid emptying meal than those children with fundoplication.

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Citation: Brun AC, Størdal K, Johannesdottir GB, Bentsen BS, Medhus AW.Nissen fundoplication in children with cerebral palsy: Influence on rate of gastric
emptying and postprandial symptoms in relation to protein source in caloric liquid meals. Clinical Nutrition Journal 2013 Aug; 32(4): 619-623