
Mouthfeel wheel for medical nutrition

Title: A “Mouthfeel wheel” terminology for communicating the mouthfeel attributes of medical nutrition products (MNP)

Authors: Annelies J. van der Stelt, Phiala Mehring, Camille Corbier, Elise J.M. van Eijnattena, Emilie Ayres, Caroline Withers
Published: 2019


This paper investigated a broad range of medical nutrition with the objective to develop standardized mouthfeel terminology. The result is a mouthfeel wheel with extensive mouthfeel wording which should help interpret the communication between patients, doctors and other parties involved. The ultimate goal is to improve medical nutrition products.

Citation: Van der Stelt, A.J., Mehring, P., Corbier, C., Van Eijnattena, E.J.M., Ayresc, E., Withers, C. A “Mouthfeel wheel” terminology for communicating the mouthfeel attributes of medical nutrition products (MNP) Journal TBC.