
Developing a vision about the future of food

On 14 October 2016, Future Food Utrecht will host the symposium “Bright Food Solutions, Better Life”. At this meeting, several renowned speakers will share their visions on how science can tackle today’s global food challenges.

Johan Garssen, Professor Immunopharmacology at Utrecht University and Director of the Immunology Platform at Danone Research & Innovation will speak at the event about the potential effect of dietary intervention on immune regulation and the impact on NCDs.” Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) – mainly cardiovascular diseases, allergies, asthma, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes – are the biggest cause of death worldwide according to the World Health Organization.

NCD’s are not so much linked to our genes as we used to think. Today the key role of the immune system in relation to NCDs is well accepted. Professor Garssen will explain the role of dietary intervention as a tool for immune regulation, as we know 60-70% of our immune cells are located in the gut. Click here to read  more about unravelling the complexity of the immune system.

Other topics at the symposium include “When food and pharma meet at the dinner table, who decides on the menu?” by professor Renger Witkamp and “Promoting healthy and sustainable food. How can we reach the consumer?” by Dr. Ir. Gerda Feunekes (Director of The Netherlands Nutrition Centre Foundation). Click here  for the full program.

About Future Food
Future Food brings together fundamental research of Utrecht University related to health, behaviour, and innovations for future food production. By connecting knowledge of various disciplines, it aims to provide sustainable and healthy food solutions for the next generations. Danone Research & Innovation is partner of Future Food. Click here  to read more about Future Food.

Please click here for an impression of the day from Future Food: An interdisciplinary approach is needed.